Saturday, July 31, 2010

Old Barns & Peoples

I have a great love of old barns like these in this video.  I guess because I spent so much of my childhood days climbing around in our old barn. Crawling through tunnels we made in the stacked hay. It is a wonder that the whole huge mound of neatly stacked hay did not fall in on us kids and smother us as we removed bale after bale and continued tunneling up, around, over, and through the huge stack of hay until we reached the top of the mound clear up in the rafters of the old barn. Many chores centered around the barn.  Milking old "Spot" and the other cows each morning and evening, feeding the cats the fresh warm milk, slopping the pigs, putting hay out for the cows and horses, etc. There was  so much activity in and around the barn. What joys, what memories, what storms, what blessings we have all weathered down through the years - just like the old barn!

This video brings back a lot of memories as I look at the weathered old barns which are getting to be a thing of the past these days.

But to me, these barns represent a lot of hard work and time spent, usually by a hard-working family that worked together and played together. A family that was brought together to get the jobs as hand done and enjoyed working together and reaping the benefits and the blessings or the "harvests", you might say, of  "Good 'Ol Country Living".

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