Saturday, October 23, 2010

Who Can Do?

Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, Gives to us and always will? Who was it, died, yet lives still? Nobody but my Lord.

Who was it hung upon a tree, suffered shame for you and me? Who was it, died to make us free? Nobody buy my Lord.

Who owns a mansion in the sky, Share it with us by and by? Take us to His home on high? Nobody but my Lord.

Who can do, who can do, who can do anything?
Nobody but my Lord and Master.
Who can do, who can do, who can do anything?
Nobody but my Lord and Master.     ~Sally Goodwin~

Many times I get caught up in life - simply "doing life".  Working so I can make ends meet and pay the bills, doing things for my kids and for myself that need to be done, committing to people, places, and situations, etc.  Sometimes I just need to stop and remind myself that I cannot do everything that I may want to do.  And one of the hardest realities for me is to realize  that there are some things, and some situations, that I cannot do anything about.  Not anything at all.  Even as much as I would like to step in and be "wonder-woman", "super-mom", or "Diana-dear" - I cannot do anything!  Some things only God can do! Who can do anything - nobody but my Lord and Master! The one that owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who loved us enough to die for our sins and yet still lives.  The same one that owns the mansion in the sky just waiting to share it with us by and by.  

Who is it that can do "anything"?  Yes, "anything"?  Do you really believe that He can do "anything"?  Who is it?  Well, believe me it is not me.  I am sometimes weak, weary, and worn out from my "doing life"!  And I know that my talents and my abilities just don't stretch far enough to do "anything"!

Do you have some "anythings" in your life that you just cannot do on your own?  Are there some "anythings" in your life that you are struggling with that you cannot understand or even explain? Does the road ahead of you look too steep to climb. Don't give up - "press on" and trust "The One" who can do "anything".

Just remember, what "We Cannot - God Can"!  
Who can do anything???
Nobody but my Lord and Master. . . "Jesus".
Put your trust Him today.

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