Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Changing Seasons

Thanksgiving is over and the Christmas lights are going up all around on my block. I am running a little behind with my Christmas decorating! This week I plan to get most of it done! But on the flip side of Christmas decorating, I also like to enjoy one season at a time. Especially Thanksgiving season! There is so much to be thankful for not just at Thanksgiving but all year long.

Like today when I got up and looked out to see snow and the cold wind blowing. But as I sat down to my warm cup of coffee, read a little and got ready for work, I was thankful for a warm house (although my daughter says I need to turn up the temp a bit – I told her to wear a sweatshirt!!) And when I stepped outside thinking I may need my snow shovel, I was overjoyed that the cold bitter wind had blown the snow off of the sidewalks leaving a nice clear path. Yeah – no shoveling!! As I went out to warm up my PT Cruiser I was thankful that it has such a great heater and doesn’t take long to get toasty warm. Then as I was driving to work I noticed this car ahead of me that had plastic covering the window on the passenger side. As I watched it blowing in the wind, I just thanked God for the unbroken windows in my car!

Little things . . . maybe so . . . but all of these are things that effect my life, making it easy or difficult one way or another. It is the little things that change my outlook on life. Little things that make a difference in my attitude, my joy level, my ability to cope and see and do what God put me here on this earth to accomplish. All of these little things in life make up the big thing - who and what I am about.  What are the little things in your life that make you who you are?  Are there little things that you are thankful for that distinguish your character - your being?

Thanksgiving is over but that's ok - what are some of the things you are thankful for today one week after thanksgiving?  I challenge you to look around you and see, I mean really see, the things in your life that you truly are thankful for each and every day!

. . . So when I arrived at work today, I took the thanksgiving “Turkey” outfit off of my “Gertrude Goose” that sits on my desk and put on her “Santa” outfit!! I strung a few Christmas lights around my computer and put up my little Christmas tree!! So I guess you could say that I have officially started my Christmas decorating here at the office.

Moving from Thanksgiving on to Christmas is great - for without Christmas and the Christ Child I think I probably would not have a truly thankful heart! I love the Christmas season and enjoy all of the joyous celebrations of Christ’s birth but I will still keep a Thankful spirit along with my Christmas spirit! Happy Thanksgiving ALL year long and Merry Christmas to you!

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