Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funny Humor

Two horses were galloping along when one stumbled and landed on its side.
After a number of tries the tumbled equine finally regained his footing, but
when he tried to run to catch up to his buddy he found he couldn't even trot.
Calling after his friend he neighed, "I've fallen and I can't giddy-up!"

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"Accountancy Exam"

Dewey wanted to be an accountant, so he went and took the accountancy exam.

Examiner: If I give you two rabbits and then I give you another two rabbits, how many rabbits do you have?

Dewey: Five.

Examiner: No, listen carefully again. If I give you two rabbits and then I give you another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Dewey: Five.

Examiner: Let's try this another way. If I give you two bottles of pop and then I give you another two bottles of pop, how many bottles of pop have you got?

Dewey: Four.

Examiner: Good! Now, if I give you two rabbits and then I give you another two rabbits, how many rabbits have you got?

Dewey: Five.

Examiner: How on earth do you work out that two lots of two rabbits is five?

Dewey: I've already got one rabbit at home!

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