Monday, September 5, 2011

Take a Fast Break & Find a Ramah Word

Have you ever been so busy doing something that you just couldn't stop but felt like you needed a "fast break"???  Well, I have!  My grass and hedges have been totally out of control these past few weeks.  I have been gradually getting them caught up but it has been a long, slow progress.  I have some hedges that have been needing trimmed - a major project!  Of course my hedge trimmers were not here.  I had sent them to my daughters when we were threatened by the Missouri River Flood of 2011.  So I totally forgot where they were. I had brought the lawn mower back here but forgot about the hedge trimmers - silly me!!!  Anyway I had been complaining about not getting the hedges trimmed and actually thought someone had taken them out of the garage.  Then when sitting eating with by Liz and Andy, in the midst of my complaining, Andy said, "your hedge trimmers are at the house"!!!  What a relief to find them - now the work must begin . . . hedges here I come!!!

Well, it has been quite a project and I have made a lot of headway on them but it has been a hard job. And there have been many times as I continue to work on my yard and hedges that I have wanted to stop and take a "fast break"!!!!   Yes, Reese's has a great candy bar - I really like it . . . and thank goodness it comes in the snack size, which is just right for a quick little "fast break" from whatever it is you are doing - whether trimming hedges, mowing lawns, shopping, or just taking it easy.  Try them you will love them - that is if you like chocolate and peanut butter!!!

Sometimes in my spiritual life I also need to take a "fast break" from the daily routine of life. It's then that a devotional book, a bible study, a verse from the Bible is just what I need when I'm overwhelmed with my work and with my life.  I am excited about a Bible study I am starting on David - Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed.  There is so much to learn and I ask that God helps me "prepare my heart" as David did. Already, I am searching for my very own "Ramah Word"! That is something that is said or sung that will grip me and grab me and get my attention and speak to my heart.  Have you every had a "Ramah Word" that caught your attention in such a way as to change you, renew you, refresh you and bring you closer to your heavenly Father?  We all need these "fast breaks" that will grip us!  When is the last time you had such a "Ramah Word"?  Sometimes it is just that - a word, a phrase, a verse, a song, etc.  Are you looking for such a "fast break" from your schedule?  I challenge you to enjoy a "fast break" and ponder your "Ramah Word" and let it get it's hold on you until you are transformed!  

1 comment:

  1. Lately I have been clinging to the hope of dreams when they seem absolutely impossible. I love Isaiah 43:18-19. I can't wait to see what new thing God will do in my life and make a way in the wilderness and wasteland.

    Like the site! Love finding more country/girl Christian blogs! Mine is
