Thursday, August 8, 2019

National Zucchini Day is today, August 8th and we are getting zucchini from our garden. We got about a half of dozen the other day! They were beautiful and my head started spinning as to what I should make with these.  I started going through my stand-by recipes and then decided to search for some new possibilities!  I quickly realized that I could make a huge variety of things from these two zucchini.  I could make the traditional zucchini bread that I always make.  I could add some variety to this by adding chocolate chips or dried cranberries.  I could make my families favorite chocolate zucchini cake for all of us chocolate lovers!!  I could bread it and deep fat fry it or Air Fry it, or I could bake it or have grilled vegetable kbobs. I could stuff it, marinate it in a salad or I could make zucchini lasagna or zucchini meatloaf . . . and I could even pickle it!!!  How does one choose what to do with these two zucchini??!! Well, I settled on the zucchini bread and some breaded fried zucchini for supper. I still have a little left - just about enough to bake the chocolate zucchini cake to satisfy my sweet tooth!!  LOL!

As I was grating the zucchini I was thinking about all the different ways to use the zucchini.  It can be made into sweet things, sour things, greasy things, starchy things, breaded things, fried things, stuffed things, marinated things - you name it can be done!!  

I was thinking about how we as people are somewhat like the zucchini, believe it or not!!   We can be sweet, sour, greasy, starchy, breaded, fried, stuffed, and marinated. We too, can be all of these things! Our personalities all vary with the amount of honor, integrity, faithfulness, truthfulness, and loyalty woven into our very character. We each possess characteristics that state who we are, what we believe in and what we stand for. When I look at a zucchini - I don't automatically think of "chocolate" like a chocolate zucchini cake!! But when mixed with other important ingredients like flour, eggs, cocoa, sugar, baking soda, etc. a green vegetable called a zucchini takes on the mix of a wonderful chocolate zucchini cake!  

Just like the zucchini adds other ingredients to become a chocolate cake - we have important characteristics in our character that help us become who we are. Who are you?  What do you believe?  What do you stand for?  I hope you are adding the other important ingredients that make you stand out or stand up for who you are and what you believe is important in life.  Weave some honor, integrity, faithfulness, truthfulness, and loyalty into your character. Let God measure the exact ingredients just for "you" and let God's mix state "who you are as a child of God" and "stand tall" . . .

. . . like one of those Chocolate Zucchini cakes in one of those glass cake stands with the glass cover on them. Don't be just a zucchini - be something "special"!

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