Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Things - Small Ways

Here's a little "MONDAY MOTIVATOR"

1. Show kindness.
2. When someone asks for your love – give it.
3. Talk less and listen more.
4. Practice the art of patience every day.
5. Accept everyone for who they are; reject no one for who they are.
6. Leave an unexpected note of love, encouragement or appreciation.
7. Say, “thank you.”
8. When someone needs you, give your attention right away; don’t wait.
9. Honor boundaries and expect your boundaries to be honored, too.
10. Help your neighbors through their weeds.
11. Let those around you know you believe in them.
12. Let them know you respect them.
13. Don’t use your words as a weapon.
14. Show your children how to smile, relax and enjoy life.
15. Never do anything you wouldn’t want others & God to know.
16. Keep your word.
17. Be fully present when in the presence of others.
18. Share your wisdom when asked.
19. Create a safe place for your family to live.
20. Let go of grudges and live with a forgiving heart.
21. Show respect to everyone you encounter.
22. Give your shoulder for someone to grasp so they can take a leap of faith.
23. Find ways to serve every day.
24. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
25. Let your corner of the world see the goodness and God in you.  
                                            -Alex Blackwell

We can do no great things, only small things with great love. 
– Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what motivation. I realize I'm falling way short on this list. Thanks for the push!
