Thursday, November 13, 2014

Would it Matter?

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 05:43 PM PST
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you have ever doubted yourself or believed you aren’t enough, this is for you.
If you have ever lost hope, this is for you.
If you have ever thought you couldn’t last one day longer, this is for you.
If you have ever prayed this prayer, this is for you.

The prayer
What if I didn’t wake tomorrow, would anybody miss me?
What if I kept my words to myself, would anybody care?
Would it matter if I wasn’t here?
Sometimes the world feels so large and I feel so small.
The dreams that once kept me awake now haunt me because some may never come true.
Why does it seem like everyone is better than me?
Why does it seem like I will never get it right?
What if I didn’t wake tomorrow, would anybody miss me?
Would it matter?

The answer
Yes, it would matter.
Everything you do has a ripple effect that touches the people around you. Even in your darkest hour, your presence has the ability to offer hope.
It could be the smile you offer or an act of kindness you do, but understand this – you matter.
You matter because you’ve been given gifts no one else has.
You matter because you were created with God’s love.
You matter because you were made to remind others how to be strong, be faithful and never give up.
So, don’t you give up now.
Because you matter.

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