Success is speaking words of praise,
In cheering other people's ways.
In doing just the best you can,
With every task and every plan.
It's silence when your speech would hurt,
Politeness when your neighbor's curt.
It's deafness when the scandal flows,
And sympathy with others' woes.
It's loyalty when duty calls,
It's courage when disaster falls.
It's patience when the hours are long,
It's found in laughter and in song.
It's in the silent time of prayer,
In happiness and in despair.
In all of life and nothing less,
We find the thing we call success.

Graze: To feed on growing grasses.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
-Ps. 23:1-6
Growing up on a farm, I used to watch the cows, sheep & horses graze in the pasture. Each morning we would open the gate to the barnyard and they knew there was freedom from that small pen they were in. They also knew there was nice green grass beyond the barnyard. Once the gate was open, look out because those animals wanted to get where the tall, green grass grew – the pasture! They would take off sometimes even running up the old fenced lane that went up over the hill through the cornfield to the lush green pasture on the other side of the farm. There they would graze for a while then lay down and rest for a while then graze some more. They did this all day long. Come evening we would go over to the pasture’s edge and call the cows – 'come boss, 'come boss. They would gather at the pasture gate. Sometimes we would have to go round up a few stragglers and when all were accounted for, we’d open the lane gate and back over the hill they would go to the barnyard for the night. The next morning was the same routine, day after day. What a life, huh?!
Oh that we could just graze and rest in shady green pastures all day long! But we can rest and graze in God’s green pastures and restore our souls . . . The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. (Ps. 23:1) I believe God wants us to slow down and “rest” and “graze” and “feed” on His Word. Life throws so many things our way and we are so busy – busy doing good things. But are we running on empty a good share of the time? Are we feeling stretched to extreme? Are we content with who we are in God’s divine providence? Slow down and take some time to just leisurely graze, rest a while, then graze and feed on the good things God has provided for you. Graze, rest, and enjoy the “shady green pastures” of God’s abundant love, grace, and mercy.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
-Ps. 23:1-6
Growing up on a farm, I used to watch the cows, sheep & horses graze in the pasture. Each morning we would open the gate to the barnyard and they knew there was freedom from that small pen they were in. They also knew there was nice green grass beyond the barnyard. Once the gate was open, look out because those animals wanted to get where the tall, green grass grew – the pasture! They would take off sometimes even running up the old fenced lane that went up over the hill through the cornfield to the lush green pasture on the other side of the farm. There they would graze for a while then lay down and rest for a while then graze some more. They did this all day long. Come evening we would go over to the pasture’s edge and call the cows – 'come boss, 'come boss. They would gather at the pasture gate. Sometimes we would have to go round up a few stragglers and when all were accounted for, we’d open the lane gate and back over the hill they would go to the barnyard for the night. The next morning was the same routine, day after day. What a life, huh?!
Oh that we could just graze and rest in shady green pastures all day long! But we can rest and graze in God’s green pastures and restore our souls . . . The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. (Ps. 23:1) I believe God wants us to slow down and “rest” and “graze” and “feed” on His Word. Life throws so many things our way and we are so busy – busy doing good things. But are we running on empty a good share of the time? Are we feeling stretched to extreme? Are we content with who we are in God’s divine providence? Slow down and take some time to just leisurely graze, rest a while, then graze and feed on the good things God has provided for you. Graze, rest, and enjoy the “shady green pastures” of God’s abundant love, grace, and mercy.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Potato Chips & God
A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of root beer and started his journey.
When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old man. He was sitting in the park, just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him some chips. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him.
His smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word. As twilight approached, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave; but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. He gave him his biggest smile ever.
When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?" He replied, "I had lunch with God." But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what? He's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"
Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and he asked, "dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?" He replied "I ate potato chips in the park with God." However, before his son responded, he added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected."
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime! Embrace all equally!
Have lunch with God.......bring chips!!!
God still sits on the throne. You may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith!
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and e-mail buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.
Live simply. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Remember the power of a simple touch, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring - all of which have the potential to turn a life around! Through God and your smile you can do just that very thing - turn a life around! I challenge you to do that this very day - turn that life around and point it to God - you won't be sorry!
Learn How to be a "Southern Belle".
For all y’all that ain’t from around here… Lessons on How to Be a Southern Belle:
1. Promptly add these words to your vocabulary and use them often: “honey”, “sugar”, “darlin’”, “y’all”, “goodness gracious”, “I declare!”, and “bless your heart”.
2. Always begin or end a conversation by asking about the other person’s mama. “… and how’s your mama? How’s her garden doing? Well, tell her I asked about her.”
3. Learn to use and understand the use of the phrase “Bless her heart”. This is key in understanding Southern speak. For example, if someone had been admitted to the hospital, the phrase “Bless her heart” is used out of concern. On the other hand, if someone has run off with another person’s husband, the term “Bless her heart” may be used to turn what some might deem “gossip” into a show of concern.
4. Always use manners. “Please”, “Thank you”, “Yes ma’am”, “No ma’am”, etc.
5. Not everything that goes through the brain should come out of the mouth. Southern Belles learn to filter appropriately, and can smile sweetly even while disagreeing with another person. Southern Belle’s never yell, demand, or throw tantrums… except in private.
6. Be sure to know how to make and enjoy eating standard Southern cuisine: biscuits and gravy, sweet tea, soup beans, corn bread, collard greens, and banana pudding. (And even though I’m Southern, I can’t eat grits… )
7. There is a reason why the South is known for its hospitality. Southern Belles must know how to be gracious, welcoming hostesses and always make guests feel right at home.
8. The bigger the hair, the closer to God. Enough said. (No, this is not from the Bible, please don’t try to ‘google’ the verse…)
9. Southern Belle’s are always dressed in a classy, feminine way. If you see a southern “woman” who is dressed in a trashy, revealing way, she is not a “Southern Belle”. Classy Southern Belles dress appropriately to be seen by their mama, their husband’s mama, or the Preacher at any time.
10. … and last but not least, every Southern Belle should know the entire lyrics to “Sweet Home Alabama”. If you do not know this song…. well, you ain’t from around here!
By Malanie
Friday, April 20, 2012
Iron Skillet Pineapple Upside Down Cake
1. Preheat oven to 350. Melt 2/3 cup
of butter; Stir in brown sugar.
2. Spread in bottom of 12-inch iron
skillet or a 13 X 9 X 2 pan. DO NOT GREASE.
3. Arrange pineapple slices over
sugar mixture; Place a cherry in the center of each.
4. Sprinkle with pecans and set
5. In large bowl cream sugar and
remaining butter; Beat in eggs and vanilla.
6. Combine all dry ingredients; Add
alternately with the buttermilk, mixing well after each addition.
7. Pour carefully over sugar
8. Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes or
until toothpick test says it's done. Immediately invert onto serving platter.
Well, it is National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day!!!! So who's going to give it a try? Any takers today? Try it and see if you like it or if you don't - then don't try it again next year!! I think it looks pretty good and I haven't fixed one for a long time.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Terror Cells in Church
However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ, to return.
Where have you been at? Hope you have Bin Praying - Bin Watchin, Bin Waiting, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longing for Jesus to return!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Show HIM Your Paper!

A farmer answered a knock on his door one morning. An electric company worker handed him a piece of paper stating that the electric company would like to run a power line through his pasture. The farmer said, "No."
"Legally, that paper says we can," replied the worker.
As he turned and left returning to his co-workers in the field, the farmer went to his barn and turned his bull into the pasture.
As the bull rumbled toward the workers in the field, the farmer hollered, "Show HIM your paper!"
I grew up on a farm – I know exactly how that works!!
Have you ever been in a spot where you have had to “Show HIM Your Paper”!! Have you ever been there where you were backed up against the wall and had to show the world that “You ARE a Christian”? Have you ever been there where it was God and God alone that took you under HIS wing and carried you through?
I grew up on a farm – I know exactly how that works!!
Have you ever been in a spot where you have had to “Show HIM Your Paper”!! Have you ever been there where you were backed up against the wall and had to show the world that “You ARE a Christian”? Have you ever been there where it was God and God alone that took you under HIS wing and carried you through?
Yes, I have been there many times – when it was God that took care of me through my situation. Thank the Lord for those times – times when I had to “show the devil my paper”!! Many times it was those times that got me out of the pressure of the devil and into the presence of God Almighty!!!
Times like this when I was weak and feeling run down. I knew I was a Christian – but how do I handle this? I knew I couldn’t go back but only headed upward toward the God that would take care of me. These things I knew! I could only put my full faith in this God that would say to satan himself – “She’s mine! Leave her alone!” And that is just what has happened to me so many times – God said it and I believed it. It was God that took me and held me close and said, “Be still my child – I’ll take this one”!
Time after time as I look back I see these special moments and I cherish each one of them for it’s during these times that I see God’s loving hand reaching out to me – reaching out to me when I couldn’t even take another step – He was always there reaching out for my right hand to connect with His . . . here's one of my favorite verses . . .
Times like this when I was weak and feeling run down. I knew I was a Christian – but how do I handle this? I knew I couldn’t go back but only headed upward toward the God that would take care of me. These things I knew! I could only put my full faith in this God that would say to satan himself – “She’s mine! Leave her alone!” And that is just what has happened to me so many times – God said it and I believed it. It was God that took me and held me close and said, “Be still my child – I’ll take this one”!
Time after time as I look back I see these special moments and I cherish each one of them for it’s during these times that I see God’s loving hand reaching out to me – reaching out to me when I couldn’t even take another step – He was always there reaching out for my right hand to connect with His . . . here's one of my favorite verses . . .
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. (Isaiah 41:10)
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