Graze: To feed on growing grasses.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
-Ps. 23:1-6
Growing up on a farm, I used to watch the cows, sheep & horses graze in the pasture. Each morning we would open the gate to the barnyard and they knew there was freedom from that small pen they were in. They also knew there was nice green grass beyond the barnyard. Once the gate was open, look out because those animals wanted to get where the tall, green grass grew – the pasture! They would take off sometimes even running up the old fenced lane that went up over the hill through the cornfield to the lush green pasture on the other side of the farm. There they would graze for a while then lay down and rest for a while then graze some more. They did this all day long. Come evening we would go over to the pasture’s edge and call the cows – 'come boss, 'come boss. They would gather at the pasture gate. Sometimes we would have to go round up a few stragglers and when all were accounted for, we’d open the lane gate and back over the hill they would go to the barnyard for the night. The next morning was the same routine, day after day. What a life, huh?!
Oh that we could just graze and rest in shady green pastures all day long! But we can rest and graze in God’s green pastures and restore our souls . . . The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. (Ps. 23:1) I believe God wants us to slow down and “rest” and “graze” and “feed” on His Word. Life throws so many things our way and we are so busy – busy doing good things. But are we running on empty a good share of the time? Are we feeling stretched to extreme? Are we content with who we are in God’s divine providence? Slow down and take some time to just leisurely graze, rest a while, then graze and feed on the good things God has provided for you. Graze, rest, and enjoy the “shady green pastures” of God’s abundant love, grace, and mercy.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
-Ps. 23:1-6
Growing up on a farm, I used to watch the cows, sheep & horses graze in the pasture. Each morning we would open the gate to the barnyard and they knew there was freedom from that small pen they were in. They also knew there was nice green grass beyond the barnyard. Once the gate was open, look out because those animals wanted to get where the tall, green grass grew – the pasture! They would take off sometimes even running up the old fenced lane that went up over the hill through the cornfield to the lush green pasture on the other side of the farm. There they would graze for a while then lay down and rest for a while then graze some more. They did this all day long. Come evening we would go over to the pasture’s edge and call the cows – 'come boss, 'come boss. They would gather at the pasture gate. Sometimes we would have to go round up a few stragglers and when all were accounted for, we’d open the lane gate and back over the hill they would go to the barnyard for the night. The next morning was the same routine, day after day. What a life, huh?!
Oh that we could just graze and rest in shady green pastures all day long! But we can rest and graze in God’s green pastures and restore our souls . . . The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. (Ps. 23:1) I believe God wants us to slow down and “rest” and “graze” and “feed” on His Word. Life throws so many things our way and we are so busy – busy doing good things. But are we running on empty a good share of the time? Are we feeling stretched to extreme? Are we content with who we are in God’s divine providence? Slow down and take some time to just leisurely graze, rest a while, then graze and feed on the good things God has provided for you. Graze, rest, and enjoy the “shady green pastures” of God’s abundant love, grace, and mercy.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Brain Surgery - 6 month MRI Check-up
This afternoon I returned from a doctors appointment with my brain surgeon. It has been 6 months since the two tumors were removed. Time sure does fly when you're having fun!!! LOL! The MRI showed no signs of the tumors return - I will have another MRI in December. The doctor could see a lot of improvement in my speech from 3 months ago at my last visit. He said the whole healing process with the brain was impressive and he was very pleased with the progress I have made in these last 6 months!! YEAH!! We talked about the surgery itself and some of the things I did not remember around that period of time. It all just amazes me as I look back now and how far I have come in 6 months. I am actually not even limiting myself in the things I am now able to do and functioning above and beyond my abilities before the tumors were discovered. At 5 months I started walking again and have even lost 12 lbs. (Yeah!) I wake up at 5:45 am every morning ready to start my day and I can honestly say I feel better than I have felt for a couple of years!! Dr. Music said I looked great, was talking fluently, and had no real side effects from the surgery! I told him that was because I had such a "good" surgeon and a great big wonderful God!!!
I can truthfully say, I was given a "new lease-on-life". God's timing was so perfect in discovering the tumors which could have been fatal at any point in time. God knows what is best . . . though I would not have chosen 2 tumors each the size of a tangerine, had I been given the choice . . . but for some unknown reason that has become a part of my life. It has taught me not to take life or people for granted and to live each day to the fullest that I possibly can, to experience life as it comes to me through people, places, and things that really make a difference. Life can be cut short so living it to the max each and every day is important to me! Making each day count and catching each "Butterfly Blessing" that God sends my way is so very important to me! Those blessing come in the form of people, sunrises, sunsets, rippling streams, raging rivers, the warmth of the sun, the rain pitter-patting on my umbrella, the baby laughing, the flowers blooming . . . I could go on and on. I've learned to ask questions, search and find out what is going on in people's lives and I've learned to reach out to them whenever I am able to. I sometimes wonder if someone had reached out to me (many did, of course) but would have really pinned me down, and asked me some pointed questions - would we have realized and found the tumors sooner? That is a question I will never know but if I sense you are acting different . . . I WILL question you and sit down and talk to you!! LOL!!
I may never know "how" I got to the state of mind I was in before the tumors were discovered and I may never know "why" God chose to let me go through this whole experience but I do know that I am all the more ready to conquer each and every new day whatever it holds for me - whether good or bad - I am better equipped to handle the raging rivers or the quiet streams of life! "For I know what I have planned for you, says the LORD. I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope." Jeremiah 29:11 I have always liked that Bible verse for I do know God does have a plan for my life and I am trusting Him to lead and guide me in the days ahead. My hope is in Him and Him alone! He never has failed me yet!!
It has been an amazing journey for me and my family and God has been there each step of the way, miracle after miracle! And you know what? God never changes - He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! And it is so exciting to know and see that He is also still in the miracle business - I have seen it first hand - I have lived through it - I am experiencing it . . . and I am expecting it!! Thank God He Never Changes!
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