"Though; he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand." (Psalm 37:24)
"Let the wicked fall into their own nets, While I escape safely." (Psalm 131:10)
"The Lord upholds all who fall, And "raises up all who are bowed down." (Psalm 145:14)
Steve Urkel played on the popular TV series, Family Matters. My children used to watch it and Steve's "catch-phrase" was, "I've fallen and I can't get up"!!!
Have you ever fallen and could not get up. The older I get the falls take a greater toll on this aging body of mine. It seems to take me longer to get up!! The other day I got up early and went out and walked my 3 miles, came back to the house, poured my cup of coffee, took a few minutes to enjoy that and then went to get ready for work. Took my shower, got dressed and was walking at the end of my bed to get my shoes. I tripped over my sandal which I thought was under the bed farther than it was. Long story short . . . my feet stayed tangle up in the sandal and the rest of my body slammed forward into my half open door and then to the floor with a "thud". I was nearly in tears and just laid there in the doorway . . . "I had fallen and couldn't (or at least didn't want to) get up"!!! My arm and shoulder was throbbing from hitting the door and resulted in a bright purple bruise bigger than my hand, both of my knees were in excruciating pain (knee replacements do that when you fall directly on the knees!!) I hurt all over and I just laid there until some of the pain subsided. Then I slowly but surely got up and stood there!! "I thanked God that He kept me together" no broken bones, I could walk, talk, breathe, and really only suffered a couple huge bruises and sore aching muscles!!
"God, Thank you for keeping me together when I'm falling apart!!"
Maybe you are not prone to falling . . . like I am . . . but you "feel" like you are "falling apart"!! Your plans have fallen through, your bubble has burst, your dreams are fleeting, your finances are depleted, you lost your job, the "cancer" word has hit home, your friends or family have disappeared - just when you needed them! Things just are not going the way you desired. Things seem to be falling apart - "you" seem to be falling apart. Have you been there? Look around today and you will see people everywhere feeling just like that! Broken, bleeding, hurting . . . falling apart!
But don't despair - God CAN and WILL keep you together when you feel like or even when you "are" falling apart! He is ready and willing to "uphold you with His hand" (Ps. 37:24) He is there to help you "escape safely" . . . not just escape but to "escape safely"!! (Ps. 131:10) Isn't that just fantastic? And get a load of this - "The Lord upholds ALL WHO FALL, and RAISES UP ALL who are bowed down." (Psalm 145:14)
What assurance and confidence we can have in a God that can and will, a God that is ready and willing to uphold us in His hand and will provide a way of escape so we can escape "safely" and will raise those of us up when we are bowed low. Trust God!
"God, Thank you for keeping me together when I'm falling apart!!"
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